16 oktober, 2006

Iraks kommende opsplitning

Det er ikke længere kun kurderne, der vil splitte Irak op - nu har de islamistiske "oprørere" også funder ud af, at deres drøm om at genoprette sunniernes folkemords-diktaturet over hele irak er en dødfødt drøm. Fra CNN:

A Sunni insurgent coalition is calling for a separate Islamic state in parts of Iraq's capital and in other provinces with a large Sunni population, according to a statement posted on an Islamic Web site Sunday.

The group's spokesman said the separate state should include Baghdad and the provinces of Anbar, Diyala, Kirkuk, Nineveh, Salaheddin and regions of Babil and Wasit.

On Wednesday, Iraq's parliament approved a law that would allow the country's 18 provinces to hold referenda on merging with other provinces to create a federal region.

But the legislation, backed by the Shiite-led United Iraqi Alliance, was boycotted by the two top Sunni blocs, a secular party and two smaller Shiite movements -- the Fadhila party and Muqtada al-Sadr's group.

Sunnis oppose the creation of federal regions, saying a Shiite and a Kurdish region would each control the country's oil riches to the detriment of Sunnis -- who do not live in the oil-producing regions of Iraq.

Parliamentarians already have agreed on an 18-month moratorium before the merger process goes into effect.


Et billede fra terroristernes foreslåede stat: