Iran fange med fingrene langt nede i kagedåsen
For nogle dage siden begyndte USA at afsløre de beviser, de har på, at Iran via sine lokale stråmænd myrder koalitions-soldater i Irak, noget der allerede var almindelig kendt blandt de danske soldater i Irak for over et år siden (se feks. Information 28. januar sidste år). Beviserne, der hidtil er fremlagt er hovedsageligt iransk-producerede våben der er blevet fundet under razziaer på terrorist-baser eller under angreb på koalitionsstyrker. En grafik over det fremlagte kan ses hos New York Times her.
Fra New York Times´referat fra briefingen. Alle de nævnte våben er iransk-producerede:
Three senior coalition defence officials including a defence official, an explosives expert and a defence analyst presented the following evidence:
* Fragments of an Iranian-made roadside bomb known as an explosively formed penetrator (EFPs). The US military first detected use of EFPs in 2004, but noted a big increase in 2006. EFPs use shaped charges, which penetrate armour by focusing explosive power in a single direction and by firing a metal projectile embedded in the device into the target at high speed. They are strong enough to penetrate an Abrams tank.
* Fragments of fins from 81-mm and 60-mm mortar bombs. One grenade from a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
* False IDs of Iranians who were detained at an Iranian government office in Arbil in Iraq's autonomous region of Kurdistan last month.
* Slides showing other weapons, including a shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile. There was no evidence these weapons had been used to shoot down helicopters, the officials said.
* Slides showing a complete mortar bomb, with serial and manufacturing number. ...
* The officials accused five Iranians arrested by US troops in Arbil in January of being members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Qods Force, which they said was getting its orders from the "highest levels" of the Iranian Government.
* The Qods Force was accused of training and funding Iraqi militants.
* The five detained in Arbil were not carrying diplomatic passports and included one man who was a Qods Force operational chief. During the arrest raid, they tried to flush documents down a toilet. One of those arrested had traces of explosives on his body, the offiicals said. ...
* The officials said Iran has several surrogate groups in Iraq, including rogue elements of the Mehdi Army militia of radical Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. They said these elements "carried out the majority" of the EFP attacks.
* Another group was the network of a former official of the Badr Organisation, which is part of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, a major Shi'ite political organisation.
* Iraqi smugglers are bringing bomb components and money in vehicles at night across three points along the Iranian-Iraqi border, the officials said
Blandt de 170 koalitions-soldater, der er blevet dræbt af vejsidebomber som de ovenfor nævnte i Irak er tre danskere:
Bjarke Olsen Kirkmand

Jesper Nielsen

Kim Wadim

På baggrund af USA´s præsentation af efterretninger om masseødelæggelsesvåben i Irak, som siden kun blev fundet godt fem hundrede stykker af blev der øjeblikkeligt rejst tvivl om, om iranske våben brugt til at myrde koalitions-soldater automatisk betyder involvering af den iranske regering. Tvivlen herskede endda i det amerikanske militær.
Men hvad hvis man i Irak havde fundet over hundrede snigskytterifler, som man kan bevise allerede efter 45 dage i iranske hænder blev brugt til at myrde den første koalitions-soldat i Irak? (via LFG):
Austrian sniper rifles that were exported to Iran have been discovered in the hands of Iraqi terrorists, The Daily Telegraph has learned.
More than 100 of the .50 calibre weapons, capable of penetrating body armour, have been discovered by American troops during raids. The guns were part of a shipment of 800 rifles that the Austrian company, Steyr-Mannlicher, exported legally to Iran last year.
The sale was condemned in Washington and London because officials were worried that the weapons would be used by insurgents against British and American troops.
Within 45 days of the first HS50 Steyr Mannlicher rifles arriving in Iran, an American officer in an armoured vehicle was shot dead by an Iraqi insurgent using the weapon.

Three senior coalition defence officials including a defence official, an explosives expert and a defence analyst presented the following evidence:
* Fragments of an Iranian-made roadside bomb known as an explosively formed penetrator (EFPs). The US military first detected use of EFPs in 2004, but noted a big increase in 2006. EFPs use shaped charges, which penetrate armour by focusing explosive power in a single direction and by firing a metal projectile embedded in the device into the target at high speed. They are strong enough to penetrate an Abrams tank.
* Fragments of fins from 81-mm and 60-mm mortar bombs. One grenade from a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
* False IDs of Iranians who were detained at an Iranian government office in Arbil in Iraq's autonomous region of Kurdistan last month.
* Slides showing other weapons, including a shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile. There was no evidence these weapons had been used to shoot down helicopters, the officials said.
* Slides showing a complete mortar bomb, with serial and manufacturing number. ...
* The officials accused five Iranians arrested by US troops in Arbil in January of being members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Qods Force, which they said was getting its orders from the "highest levels" of the Iranian Government.
* The Qods Force was accused of training and funding Iraqi militants.
* The five detained in Arbil were not carrying diplomatic passports and included one man who was a Qods Force operational chief. During the arrest raid, they tried to flush documents down a toilet. One of those arrested had traces of explosives on his body, the offiicals said. ...
* The officials said Iran has several surrogate groups in Iraq, including rogue elements of the Mehdi Army militia of radical Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. They said these elements "carried out the majority" of the EFP attacks.
* Another group was the network of a former official of the Badr Organisation, which is part of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, a major Shi'ite political organisation.
* Iraqi smugglers are bringing bomb components and money in vehicles at night across three points along the Iranian-Iraqi border, the officials said
Blandt de 170 koalitions-soldater, der er blevet dræbt af vejsidebomber som de ovenfor nævnte i Irak er tre danskere:
Bjarke Olsen Kirkmand

Jesper Nielsen

Kim Wadim

På baggrund af USA´s præsentation af efterretninger om masseødelæggelsesvåben i Irak, som siden kun blev fundet godt fem hundrede stykker af blev der øjeblikkeligt rejst tvivl om, om iranske våben brugt til at myrde koalitions-soldater automatisk betyder involvering af den iranske regering. Tvivlen herskede endda i det amerikanske militær.
Men hvad hvis man i Irak havde fundet over hundrede snigskytterifler, som man kan bevise allerede efter 45 dage i iranske hænder blev brugt til at myrde den første koalitions-soldat i Irak? (via LFG):
Austrian sniper rifles that were exported to Iran have been discovered in the hands of Iraqi terrorists, The Daily Telegraph has learned.
More than 100 of the .50 calibre weapons, capable of penetrating body armour, have been discovered by American troops during raids. The guns were part of a shipment of 800 rifles that the Austrian company, Steyr-Mannlicher, exported legally to Iran last year.
The sale was condemned in Washington and London because officials were worried that the weapons would be used by insurgents against British and American troops.
Within 45 days of the first HS50 Steyr Mannlicher rifles arriving in Iran, an American officer in an armoured vehicle was shot dead by an Iraqi insurgent using the weapon.
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