04 november, 2007

Israelske arabere: Det er racisme ikke at måtte støtte Israels fjender

En absurd historie fra Israel: tidligere i år blev det afsløret, at et arabisk medlem af Knesset (det israelske parlament) ikke bare adskillige gange var rejst til lande, Israel stadig er i krig med (Syrien og Libanon), men også der var blevet hvervet som agent for den libanesiske terrorgruppe Hezbollah, og at han under krigen mellem Israel og terrorgruppen sidste sommer havde rådgivet denne om, hvor den mest effektivt kunne slå israelere ihjel:
In one of the conversations Bishara was asked an unusually direct question by his Hizbullah contact who wanted to know how Israel would respond if it were hit by long range missiles which would reach beyond the city of Haifa. Bishara mumbled and admonished his contact, hinting that the conversation may be monitored, but after a short while his aspirations got the best of him and he told the Hizbullah man that such an action would serve Hizbullah's goals. Several days later rockets began hitting targets south of Haifa.

Bishara also provided his contacts with detailed explanations of optimal targets for their rockets and which towns should be avoided. Hizbullah put a great deal of trust in Bishara's situation assessments and apparently operated according to a lot of the information he provided. In addition to the monetary compensation for this information Hizbullah apparently spared no efforts at making Bishara feel important in an attempt to boost his motivation to help them.

Bishara stak siden, da han fornemmede hvor efterforskningen bar hen, af til udlandet, og er ikke vendt tilbage siden.

For at forhindre sådanne tilfælde i fremtiden førte nationalt sindede israelske Knesset-medlemmer for nylig et lovforslag frem til afstemning, der ville gøre det umuligt for folk, der uden tilladelse besøger fjendtlige stater at blive medlemmer af Knesset. Eller, som en af initiativ-tagerne bag lovforslaget udtrykte det:
"Enough of Arab Knesset members spitting in our faces and us saying it's raining."

Reaktionen fra de arabiske knesset-medlemmer var til at forudse: det er racistisk at forhindre folk der aktivt støtter Israels fjender fra at sidde i landets parlament:
"The Knesset is steeped in racism," said Ahmed Tibi of the United Arab List party.

"Corrupt members of the Knesset want a Knesset without Arabs... If I am invited [to an enemy state] I will go despite the law."

"If we have to choose between loyalty to our people, or serving the Knesset, then good luck to the Knesset," said Muhammad Barakei, who heads the Hadash party.

"All the racists can choke."

Det er raciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisme!


Man undrer sig egentlig ikke, når man bemærker at araberen fra Israel, der har spioneret for Hezbollah, viser sig at være uddannet i det tidligere kommunistiske diktatur DDR.

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