En historie, der bare ikke holder vand mere
Nogle vil måske huske historien for nylig om en irakisk familie, der havde fået afvist deres ansøgning om asyl som ubegrundet. Familiens 13-årige søn fik humanitær opholdstilladelse i opløbet til valget, mens resten af familiens udvisningsordre stadig stod ved magt. I forsøget på at snige sig til en lignende opholdstilladelse kom moderen blandt andet i Politiken med følgende argumentation:
Drengens mor vil ikke rejse tilbage til Bagdad med sine børn, idet hun
frygter, at familien vil blive slået ihjel.
Hvis det er alt, hun har at bygge ønsket om asyl på, så holder hendes sag ikke - volden er stærkt faldende i Irak, og tusindvis af irakere vender nu tilbage.
In a dramatic turnaround, more than 3,000 Iraqi families driven out of their Baghdad neighborhoods have returned to their homes in the past three months as sectarian violence has dropped, the government said Saturday.
Saad al-Azawi, his wife and four children are among them. They fled to Syria six months ago, leaving behind what had become one of the capital's more dangerous districts — west Baghdad's largely Sunni Khadra region...
Sattar Nawrous, a spokesman for the Ministry of Displacement and Migration, said the al-Azawi family was among 3,100 that have returned to their homes in Baghdad in the past 90 days.
"In the past three months, the ministry did not register any forced displacement in the whole of Iraq," said Nawrous, who is a Kurd.
Historien om den stærkt faldende vold i Irak illustreres meget godt af denne grafik over antallet af ugentlige angreb:
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