Når tegninger er værre end pogromer
»Vi fordømmer på det kraftigste denne handling. Jeg synes, at angsten for Islam og handlinger af denne art skaber en kløft mellem religioner, som vi gør os store anstrengelser for at bygge bro over«, siger Tasnim Aslam, talsmand for det pakistanske udenrigsministerium (kilde: Politiken). Men hvad taler hun om? Er det
a) Nogle tegninger af en pædofil landevejsrøver i Jyllandsposten, eller er det
b) Den nylig pogrom mod kristne i byen Sangla Hill i Pakistan? Fra Asianews.it:
Three churches, a nuns‘ convent, two Catholic schools, the houses of a Protestant pastor and of a parish priest, a girls’ hostel, some Christian homes, were first vandalized and then set on fire by an angry crowd of around 2,000 people in the village of Sangla Hill, Nankana district in Punjab. At least 450 Christian families fled from the village and they have not yet returned for fear of further violence.
Mgr Lawrence John Saldanha, Archbishop of Lahore Archdiocese and Chairman National Commission for Justice and Peace (see photo), told AsiaNews that “the attack seems to have been planned and organized as the attackers were brought to the site in buses and instigated to commit violence and arson. ..
Religious leaders are at least partly responsible for provoking the violence: yesterday, in mosques, they called the faithful to gather outside the Jamia Madni Masjid, the central mosque, where they urged them to act against Christians. In fiery speeches, the leaders provoked the mob to set to fire each and every Christian place of worship.
Og hvad var årsagen? Ifølge Seattle Post Intelligencer (Dogar er en politi-talsmand):
The fires came a day after a local Muslim resident accused a Christian of burning a one-room Islamic school along with copies of the Quran. Dogar said the allegations were apparently leveled by people who lost money while gambling with the Christian man on Friday, but police had detained him and were investigating.
Men for at vende tilbage til det første spørgsmål: hvad var det, den pakistanske talsmand fordømte? Tegninger eller religiøse forfølgelser?
Uheldigvis det sidste.
PS. Hvis nogen ikke skulle kende ordet, så er en "pogrom" religiøs forfølgelse i pøbel-form. Det er et oprindeligt russisk ord for anti-semitiske optøjer.
a) Nogle tegninger af en pædofil landevejsrøver i Jyllandsposten, eller er det
b) Den nylig pogrom mod kristne i byen Sangla Hill i Pakistan? Fra Asianews.it:
Three churches, a nuns‘ convent, two Catholic schools, the houses of a Protestant pastor and of a parish priest, a girls’ hostel, some Christian homes, were first vandalized and then set on fire by an angry crowd of around 2,000 people in the village of Sangla Hill, Nankana district in Punjab. At least 450 Christian families fled from the village and they have not yet returned for fear of further violence.
Mgr Lawrence John Saldanha, Archbishop of Lahore Archdiocese and Chairman National Commission for Justice and Peace (see photo), told AsiaNews that “the attack seems to have been planned and organized as the attackers were brought to the site in buses and instigated to commit violence and arson. ..
Religious leaders are at least partly responsible for provoking the violence: yesterday, in mosques, they called the faithful to gather outside the Jamia Madni Masjid, the central mosque, where they urged them to act against Christians. In fiery speeches, the leaders provoked the mob to set to fire each and every Christian place of worship.
Og hvad var årsagen? Ifølge Seattle Post Intelligencer (Dogar er en politi-talsmand):
The fires came a day after a local Muslim resident accused a Christian of burning a one-room Islamic school along with copies of the Quran. Dogar said the allegations were apparently leveled by people who lost money while gambling with the Christian man on Friday, but police had detained him and were investigating.
Men for at vende tilbage til det første spørgsmål: hvad var det, den pakistanske talsmand fordømte? Tegninger eller religiøse forfølgelser?
Uheldigvis det sidste.
PS. Hvis nogen ikke skulle kende ordet, så er en "pogrom" religiøs forfølgelse i pøbel-form. Det er et oprindeligt russisk ord for anti-semitiske optøjer.